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πŸ”— External Learning Material JavaScript SDK

External Learning Material SDK​

This document provides guidelines for developing external learning materials for Elice.

For other inquiries, please contact Elice.

SDK Installation and Initialization​

Please install the External Learning Material JavaScript SDK as an npm package. This package can be used in a web environment.

# npm
npm install @eliceio/content-sdk --save

# yarn
yarn add @eliceio/content-sdk


You can use the EliceContents class provided by the installed SDK to access the methods and properties necessary for developing external learning resources.

import { EliceContents } from '@eliceio/content-sdk';

const eliceContents = new EliceContents({
baseUrl: '',

The options provided for initialization are as follows:

baseUrlstringThe base URL for the Elice platform API server. The CORS policy only allows requests from the origin. Therefore, if you are testing in a local environment, you need to configure a proxy server or disable the CORS feature in your browser.

To resolve CORS errors, please check the following:

If a CORS error still occurs after installing the plugin, you can disable the browser's CORS feature using the command below in your terminal.

# Windows
chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C://chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials

# macOS
open /Applications/Google\ --args --user-data-dir="/var/tmp/chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials

# Linux
google-chrome --user-data-dir="~/chrome-dev-disabled-security" --disable-web-security --disable-site-isolation-trials