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Managing Classroom

Managing Classroom Members

You can add teachers who will manage the classroom and students who will learn.

  1. Adding Members
    1. Move to the 'Members' tab in the management menu of the classroom.
    2. Click the 'Register Member' button in the upper right corner.
    3. Select the member's permission level.
    4. Enter the verified email in the input field of the popup window or select from the existing member list below.
    5. Click the ‘Register’ button to complete the registration.

  1. Deleting Members
    1. Move to the 'Members' tab in the management menu of the classroom.
    2. Click the 'More' icon button on the right side of the member table you want to delete.
    3. Click the 'Delete' button to remove the member.

Changing Classroom Name

Go to the 'Classroom Settings' tab in the management menu of the classroom.

  • Enter the classroom name in the classroom name field.

Classroom Visibility Settings

Go to the 'Classroom Settings' tab in the management menu of the classroom.

  • Choose the visibility status as ‘Public’ or ‘Private’.
  • Click the ‘Save’ button to save your changes.