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Unified Search

The unified search function was launched to help users easily find and quickly access the information they want. By entering search terms, users can search for educational/test content, features, and shortcut menus that exist within the LXP platform.

The unified search feature can be accessed using shortcuts (Mac: Cmd+K / Windows: Ctrl+K) or by clicking on the unified search bar with the cursor. It supports searches in the following three categories:

  • By using content search, you can quickly access all educational/test-related content available on the platform.
  • You can search for paths, subjects, tests, challenges, classes, and materials. (Only title input is allowed.)
  • You can also check the price information set for each content.
  • The visibility status (public/private) of the searched content can also be confirmed. (Not visible to student accounts.)
  • Key features that assist in institutional management and learning processes can be searched.

  • Immediately after activating the unified search bar, a list of accessible/searchable features will be displayed.

  • Features are categorized into three sections: "Educational/Test Content Management", "Institution Management", and "Learning Support".

    • Features for Educational/Test Content Management

      • This list of features appears only when the user enters the details page of a subject/test/challenge and can be searched.
        • Create Class: Activates the class creation window.
        • Create Classroom/Exam Room: Activates the classroom/exam room creation window within a subject.
        • Register Subject Members: Activates the window to register members who will be granted access to the subject.
        • Add Group: Activates the window for adding groups of subject members.
        • Enter Basic Subject Information: Activates the input field for subject information.
        • Configure Test: Activates the test configuration window.
        • Create Exam Room: Activates the exam room creation window.
        • Register Test Members: Activates the window to register members who will be granted access to participate in the test.
        • Enter Basic Test Information: Activates the input field for test information.
    • Features for Institution Management

      • Features for institution management will always be available for searches.
        • Create Subject: Activates the subject creation window.
        • Load Subject Library: Activates the window to load the subject library.
        • Create Institution Announcements: Activates the window to create institution announcements.
        • Register Institution Members: Activates the window for registering institution members.
        • Customize Institution Home: Activates the window to customize the institution's home.
        • Create Attendance Register: Activates the window to register institution attendance.
    • Features for Learning Support

      • Features for learning support will always be available for searches.
        • Ask Tutor: Activates a chat window to ask the tutor about learning content.
        • Ask Helpi: Activates a chat window to ask the AI chatbot about learning content.
        • Customer Inquiries: Activates a chat window to ask questions to the Elice operation team.
        • Subject Chat Room: Activates the list of chat rooms within enrolled subjects.
  • You can search for shortcut items for key menus within the platform.
  • Upon activating the unified search bar, you will see a list of shortcut menus. Clicking on each list will take you directly to the respective page.
    • Home / Cloud Projects / Library Store / Cloud On-Demand / My Courses / My Dashboard / Manual / My Courses / My Certificates / My Attendance Book / Institution Management / Explore Features

Unified search supports various auxiliary functions designed for user convenience.

1. Search Result Filters

  • The categories available for unified search are defined as paths, subjects, tests, challenges, classes, materials, features, and shortcuts.
  • After entering a search term, users can select only the desired category to view the relevant information.

2. Search Result Sorting

  • The order of the unified search results can be altered.
    • By Relevance: Items will be placed at the top based on the degree of match between the search term and the result item title.
    • By Latest: Items will be ranked starting with the most recently created.
    • By Oldest: Items will be ranked starting with the oldest created ones.

3. Recently Accessed Items

  • The unified search bar will show items that the user has recently accessed.
  • Users can quickly find frequently accessed items by clicking on the recently accessed items.

4. Command Input

You can use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to select specific items in the unified search results. If you want to access the details page of the selected item, press the enter key!