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Live Classroom

Managing the Live Classroom List

You can check the list of live classrooms available for participation in the community or those you have participated in previously.

Joining a Live Classroom

By clicking on the list of live classrooms that are marked as "In Progress" in the community, you can access the ongoing chat in that live classroom.

Before joining a live classroom, you can view the chat history, but you won't be able to input messages or see the participant list.

Clicking the "Join Live Classroom" button located at the bottom will transition you to the live classroom and enable you to participate in the chat.

Even while participating in a live classroom, you can maintain your connection and manage access to other chat lists. If you want to return to the live classroom you are currently participating in, you can click the button at the top that will take you back to the ongoing live classroom.

Try multitasking with various chats like "AI Chat" and "Help Center" while participating in the live classroom!