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Navigating to Subjects

You can conveniently move to the subjects you are enrolled in.

Using the 'Institution Management' Menu

  1. Click on the Institution Management menu at the top.
  2. Select the Subjects tab.
  3. Search for the subject you wish to move to.
  4. Click on the subject name.

Using the 'My Learning' Menu

  1. Click on the My Learning menu at the top.
  2. The My Learning menu displays the pass/subject cards for which you are registered as a student.
  3. In the My Learning menu, you can manage the pass/subjects in four statuses: 'All - Completed - Passed - Open for Enrollment'.
    1. The Progress tab shows the pass/subject cards you are currently enrolled in.
    2. The Completed tab shows the completed pass/subject cards.
    3. The Passed tab shows the pass/subject cards that have been completed.
    4. The Open for Enrollment tab shows the pass/subject cards that have completed the enrollment process.
  4. Click on the pass/subject card you wish to move to in order to go to the pass or subject page.
    1. A pass consists of multiple subjects, and you can view the list of subjects included in the pass on the pass detail page.

Using the 'My Classes' Menu

  1. Click on the My Classes menu at the top.
  2. The My Classes menu displays the subject cards for which you are registered as an educator/administrator.
  3. In the My Classes menu, you can manage the subjects in four statuses: 'All - Upcoming - Ongoing - Completed'.
    1. The Upcoming tab shows unpublished private subjects.
    2. The Ongoing tab shows the subjects currently being taught.
    3. The Completed tab shows the subjects that have finished their enrollment period.
  4. Click on the subject card you wish to move to in order to go to the subject page.