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Adding a Quiz

Let's learn how to create a quiz and the basic settings involved.

Adding a Quiz

  1. Click on the course where you want to add a quiz from the course list.
  2. Click the 'Add Material' button.
  3. Select quiz from the types of materials to add and click the 'Next' button at the bottom right.
  4. Enter the *Required Field* title for the material, and specify whether it will affect grades and its difficulty level by referring to the details below.

SettingDetailed Description
TitleThe title of the material as it appears in the course list and quiz section.
Grade ImpactDetermines whether the material will be included in grades and rankings on the dashboard and learning status.
DifficultyThe difficulty level of the quiz.

The information you entered can be edited later in the Edit Material → Basic Information tab even after creating the quiz.

If you click the quiz created through the above method, the following page will appear.

Having checked this page, let's learn how to create quiz contents.