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Membership Registration Settings

In 'Organization Management > Settings > Organization Membership Registration Method', you can configure various membership registration methods such as guest sign-up, email verification sign-up, etc.

Membership Registration Settings

The organization membership registration settings are applied during the membership registration process.

  1. Navigate to the Organization Management in the top menu and go to the Settings tab.
  2. Go to 'Organization Membership Registration Method' within Organization Settings.
  3. Selecting Allow Guest Sign-Up allows users to log in as guests without providing membership information.
  4. Selecting Membership Registration allows anyone to register and use the service without a member verification process.
  5. Selecting Email Verification allows only users who have verified their email addresses to utilize the organization.
    1. Enter a specific domain in the input field that can authenticate members. (e.g.,
    2. Members must verify with an email that has the entered domain to access the organization. (e.g.,
    3. After verification, they can set their student ID/employee ID using the verification ID.
  6. Click the save button to apply the changes.